Do you feel overwhelmed or frustrated some days as an entrepreneur?

Do you go out of your way to avoid confrontation?

Are there certain people who consistently frustrate you?

Have you struggled to get your team on the same page?

How many times have you lost a deal by pushing too hard to close it?

Do you find yourself avoiding conversations with certain people?

As you read this, do you find yourself nodding your head yes more often than you'd prefer?


I remember exactly what it feels like to be in this world and yet feel so out of place. Not knowing how to truly connect with people eventually cost me my marriage.

I know what it’s like to feel uneasy with confrontation, to be rejected time and again, and to never fully be understood. I've missed out on sales because of it, dealt with tension at home, but deep down, knew there had to be an easier way.


Hey there! I'm Stacy Mulligan, Maxwell Certified Speaker, Trainer and Coach. I've turned communication chaos into calm for loads of people, and I'm here to do the same for you.

Less rejection and confrontation

More closed deals with quality clients

Harmonious and peaceful work environment

Fewer hurt feelings, yours and theirs

 Larger incoming direct deposits 


Well, you can make that a reality with the Entrepreneur, Universal or Student DISC Assessment and Report.

“Wow! As Marissa Tomei would say in My Cousin Vinny, Dead on 🔮🏀 accurate!  I took the Entrepreneur assessment and got my results in minutes. Turns out, my style is a Communicator, which is perfect since I teach storytelling. The results were incredible. It showed how my public self, private self, and perceived self as an entrepreneur differ from my original DISC assessment. Fascinating! As I read through the results, I kept thinking, "This is so me!" Bottom line – if you're an entrepreneur, sign up for this NOW!

Missy - Storyteller

What is DISC?

Access free live trainings and get a taste for DISC Personality Styles and how they can help you make better connections.

I Want Free Live Trainings and Exclusive Content

 What DISC is and why it's important.

 Explaining the four main personality styles: Dominant, Influential, Steady, and Conscientious.

 Characteristics of each personality style: What they're like, their strengths, and weaknesses.

 How to figure out someone's personality style using DISC assessments.

 How to sell to each personality style over and over again. 

 How each personality style prefers to communicate, make decisions, and work with others.


"I've always struggled with getting my message across effectively, but this report has changed everything. Now that I know how I show up as an entrepreneur, I feel more confident and empowered.

I’ve gotten so much value so far, but still the biggest takeaway for me is that only 11% of people think like I do. Knowing that set me free from thinking I am not a good communicator.” 

Chelsea - The Sister Lifter

Imagine having a map that not only guides you through the complex landscape of personalities but also highlights your unique path within it.

Entrepreneur, Universal or Student DISC Assessment and Report - $249 Value

BUY NOW for ONLY $97

"I highly recommend this DISC Assessment. It's full of simple, yet effective techniques for improving communication. I've already noticed a positive change in how I connect with others, and it's only been a few weeks since I received my report." 

 Sandy - Direct Sales

Let's Take a Peek Inside the Report

This report will show you the results of your assessment and explain how your natural way of doing things affects your personal and professional life as an entrepreneur, salesperson, or in your chosen field.  


Getting Things Done: Why Progress Beats Perfection

Sep 03, 2024

How quickly will I receive my results?

You will receive your full report within minutes of completing the assessment.

What happens after I buy?

You will receive an email within one business day with a link to take your DISC Assessment. Once completed you will receive your 30 page report. 

How long does the test take?

You will want to set aside 10 minutes to take the test.