Book Stacy

How One Speaker Completely Changed my Perspective on Everything

Jun 01, 2024
How one speaker changed my perspective on everything


Let's start from the beginning:

Seventeen years ago, I felt stuck in my sales job and misunderstood at networking events. On top of that, I had just gone through a divorce, despite promising myself I wouldn't follow in my parents' footsteps.

You see, I've always been a "people person," a social butterfly, and a natural salesperson because I could talk to anyone.

But that was the problem—I was doing all the talking. My personality was shining through, and even though I was enthusiastic and fun, I ended up driving people away when it came to making sales.

One day at a networking event, I heard someone talk about patterns in people's behavior. He gave an example of how different personality types would leave an outgoing voicemail.

In just 60 seconds, this speaker completely changed my perspective.

Could it be that people were different from me and needed to hear things in a different way?

As crazy as it sounds, that day I realized that not everyone was like me.

For years, I immersed myself in training on interpersonal relationships and sales with Sandler Sales and DISC Personality Styles.

Honestly, it was really hard to admit I had been doing it wrong all these years. And taking a deep look at myself and seeing who I really was wasn’t easy. But I stuck with it, and eventually, things turned around for me.

Over time, my relationships started getting stronger, I no longer felt the sting of a lost sale, and I became a conversational ninja.

Well, maybe not a ninja, but very well equipped and evolved.

Now, it’s my joy and honor to help others, which is why I created a course and coaching program designed to help you Embrace your Authenticity & Thrive.

It’s time to pay it forward and share what I’ve learned.

Now open for enrollment... 

 If this speaks to you, click here to find out about the program and see if it's a fit for you. 

With Love, 







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