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That Time I Recorded a Silent Movie: Learning to Laugh at Mistakes

Sep 08, 2024

 Click to Watch One Minute Video


The Full-Circle Moment You Didn’t See Coming

If you caught my last video about my presentation at The Rotary Club, you know it was a meaningful full-circle moment for me. But what you didn’t see coming was the big mistake that followed!


The Big Oops: My Silent Movie Debut

Here’s the story. I had everything set up to record my presentation—ready to review it later and see where I could improve. I even had this new microphone that I clipped onto my lapel, thinking I was all set. But, surprise! I didn’t realize I had to actually turn the mic on. I ended up recording a 30-minute silent movie!


Laughing It Off: Embracing Mistakes

Now, in the past, I would've been embarrassed and frustrated, replaying the mistake in my head for days. But this time? I laughed it off! I realized that mistakes like this are part of the process, and if we’re not making mistakes, we’re not growing.

Instead of getting stuck in self-criticism, I shared the mishap and used it as a reminder to let things go and keep moving forward. We learn from our mistakes, and that’s what matters.


Final Thoughts: Let It Go and Move On

So next time something goes wrong, just remember: laugh, learn, and let it go. Mistakes are part of the journey, and they're what help us grow.

In the words of Miranda Priestly, “That’s all.”


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Stacy Mulligan
Speaker, Storyteller, DISC Trainer & Empty Nest Mentor


#embracing mistakes #personal growth #learningfromfailures #overcoming embarrassment #selfimprovementjourney #stacyspeaks #stacymulligan #stacymulliganblog #vlog #blog





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