Book Stacy

#1 Tip to Help You Avoid Misunderstandings

Apr 16, 2024
Avoid Misunderstandings


Let's have a heart-to-heart for a sec. 
Ever felt like you've missed the mark in conversations? 
Maybe you left scratching your head, wondering if the other person was even hearing you out. 
Been there? I sure have. 
I used to dive into discussions headfirst, whether it was sealing a deal or chatting with a friend or my partner. 
I'd yap away endlessly, maybe not even saying what I truly meant, and definitely not tuning into what the other person was saying. 
But those days are behind me now. I've learned the power of quieting down and actually listening. It might sound basic, but it's game-changing. 
In your next conversation, ask yourself: Are you truly listening, or just waiting for your turn to speak? 
Looking for a communications "cheat sheet"? Download it HERE.
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