Book Stacy

Getting Things Done: Why Progress Beats Perfection

Sep 03, 2024


Hi, I’m Stacy—Your Fellow Recovering Perfectionist

Hey there, it’s Stacy again! As someone who’s been a perfectionist for most of my life, I’m here to share a little secret: perfectionism is holding you back.


How Perfectionism Stalls Your Progress

If you’re like me, the need to do everything flawlessly can be a huge roadblock. It stops you from achieving all the incredible things you’re capable of. It’s like a weight that keeps you from reaching your full potential. I’ve come to realize that striving for perfection isn’t always the best approach. It can prevent you from getting things done and moving forward.


Adopting a New Motto: "Better Done Than Perfect"

Lately, I’ve been trying to live by a new motto: "better done than perfect." It’s been quite a journey to embrace this mindset. I still catch myself thinking things like, “If I just tweak this a bit more,” or “Maybe I should redo that video one last time.” But here’s what I’ve learned: sometimes, you just need to finish what you’re working on and put it out there.


Why It’s Important to Release Perfectionism

Getting your work out there is crucial because someone out there needs what you have to offer. Your message, your work, or your ideas can make a difference in someone’s life. Let that be your driving force. Remember, you can always go back and refine things later, but taking action now is key.


Overcoming Doubt and Embracing the Journey

I know it’s not easy to let go of perfectionism. It takes practice and patience to embrace imperfection and just do it. But trust me, it’s worth it. Don’t let the fear of not being perfect stop you from taking action.


Take Fearless Action and Break Free from Perfectionist Paralysis

So, here’s my advice: finish what you start, embrace the journey, and remember that progress beats perfection every time. Let go of those doubts and excuses, and take fearless action today. You’ve got this!



Stacy Mulligan
Speaker, Storyteller, Trainer & Empty Nest Mentor



#RecoveringPerfectionist #BetterDoneThanPerfect #EmbraceImperfection #ProgressNotPerfection #FinishWhatYouStart #TakeActionNow #OvercomeDoubt #FearlessAction #ReleasePerfectionism #ReachYourFullPotential #EmbraceTheJourney #stacymulligan #perfectionist #perfectionism #stacyspeaks #KeepItSimple  #GetItDone #StopOverthinking    #TakeTheLeap  #BeBold




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